Attempting to expand your enterprise with incompatible technologies and applications is like to constructing a tower using LEGO and Jenga blocks. Although automations and processes can revolutionize an organization, your current technology stack is inadequate, and creating personalized solutions is beyond your financial means.
Imagine if you could create all the apps, automations, and integrations you need to grow your company using a no-code platform. Without writing any code, create forms, kanban boards, apps, automations, and integrations. To integrate your whole tech stack, connect to Zapier and access over 200 native, no-code automations.
How To Buy Jestor Lifetime Deal@($62)
- Visit the “Jestor Lifetime Deal AppSumo” deal page.
- Wait for some seconds, An Discount popup will appear.
- Enter your Email to receive the exclusive benefits.
- Continue with the same email id.
- Get a 10% discount at the end.
- Discount valid for new users on Appsumo only.
What Jestor Lifetime Deal Can Do?
Construct kanban boards with the features you require to finish the task at hand. This platform interacts with DocuSign, Microsoft Teams, Gmail, Slack, and more. It also supports over 200 native automations.
Create integrations with OpenAI to research businesses, translate information, review material, and create content using ChatGPT.
Jestor is also compatible with your tech stack! Just use Zapier to establish connections with all of your preferred tools. Utilize more than 200 no-code automations or create custom OpenAI interfaces.
With the help of Jestor, you can use more than 25 distinct blocks to build internal apps for your company without ever writing a line of code.
A personalized business intelligence dashboard complete with graphs, indications, and filters can be created by you. Incorporating numerous table views, integrating forms with kanban boards, and much more is made possible by this no-code platform. The nicest part is that every internal software will be first optimized for mobile devices. Your team will be able to work remotely in this fashion.
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How It Jestor Lifetime Deal Can Do?
With the use of more than 200 native, no-code automations and connectors, Jestor assists you in developing internal business solutions. With the use of this platform, you can create forms that have linked data, pagination, conditional logic, and videos without knowing any code.
Add over 40 unique form fields, such as checklists, addresses, and phone numbers, and customize everything from the colors to the graphics. Users can access forms straight from their browser without ever opening Jestor, regardless of whether they are private or public.
Build forms using linked data, embedded tools, and conditional logic. Creating intelligent kanban boards with stage conditionals, charts, filters, and other features is simple with Jestor. For instance, color-coding jobs according to their nature or urgency can assist you in quickly identifying the most important priority. Additionally, with specially designed buttons, you’ll be able to move cards, send emails, and make new cards at every step.
Use more than 25 distinct blocks to create any form of internal application for your company.
Put away your need for outside tools! Create the internal applications you need with Jestor to grow your company.
Work whenever it suits you.
Jestor Lifetime Deal (Pricing)
Tier 1 ($69) | Tier 2($199) | Tier 3 ($399) |
All features above included | All features above included | All features above included |
Unlimited automations, tables, and forms | Unlimited automations, tables, and forms | Unlimited automations, tables, and forms |
3 users (builders or members) | 10 users (builders or members) | 25 users (builders or members) |